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Realiti Alam Rumahtangga

Ada aku kisah isteri dan anak2ku sudah makan atau belum… Ada aku kisah jika isteriku tak sempat makan kerana sibuk melayan anak-anak…. Ada aku kisah jika isteriku berhempas pulas di dapur menyediakan keperluan pagi esok ketika aku sedang berdengkur… Ada aku kisah siapa yang mengambil berat tentang keperluan anak2, membeli susu dan pampers dan ubat-ubatan ketika anak2ku demam dan meragam… Ada aku kisah siapa yang membelikan sabun mandi, ubat gigi dan meletakkannya di dalam bilik aku bersiram…. Ada aku kisah dah berapa lama isteri aku begitu setia menggosok kain bajuku… Ada aku kisah betapa isteriku tak pernah jemu menyediakan kelengkapan diriku, meletak baju, stoking, pakaian dalam dan sapu tangan dengan kemas setiap hari aku nak pergi kerja… Ada aku kisah bagaimana layanan yg isteriku dambakan dari aku seorang suami… Ada aku kisah apa perasaan isteriku bila aku pulang ke rumah dengan wajah kusam dan masam…. Ada aku kisah adakah wang yang masih bersisa utk isteri dan anakku cukup atau tidak ketika aku hendak kepergian…. Ada aku kisah betapa pedihnya hati isteriku bila aku memarahinya… memaki hamunnya dengan kata2 kesat setiap kali dia melakukan kesilapan kecil yang tak disengajakan… Ada aku kisah apa perasaan isteriku bila aku tidak pernah menelefonnya ketika aku bertugas di luar… Ada aku kisah jika isteriku saban malam terpaksa bangun membuatkan susu untuk anak2ku… melayan kerenah anak2ku, merengek, menangis di kala mereka demam… Ada aku kisah berapa harga gincu jika isteriku ingin memerahkan bibir yang pudar ditelan masa…. Ada aku kisah bilakah kali terakhir aku menghadiahkan minyak wangi kepada isteriku… Ada aku kisah bila kali terakhir aku membelikan pakaian utk wanita yg rela menjadi isteriku..menjadi ibu kepada anak-anakku… Ada aku kisah kenapa isteriku terlelap bersama linangan airmata…. Ada aku kisah jika isteriku terjaga di tengah malam kerana dengkurku… dan aku terus nyenyak tidur dibuai mimpi indah seorang lelaki….



Tiba-tiba aku MENJADI KISAH dan MENGAMBIL KISAH… Ketika telefon isteriku berdering di malam hari. Ketika isteriku mula belajar ber sms..dan berchatting… Ketika isteriku kembali berhias seperti ketika aku mula jatuh cinta padanya… Ketika isteriku sanggup tidak makan malam kerana mahu menjaga badan… Ketika isteriku tidak meminta lagi aku menjadi imamnya…. Ketika isteriku memilih tidur bersama anak-anakku….. Ketika dia tidak lagi mencium tanganku ketika aku hendak pergi … Ketika dia tidak lagi menyediakan keperluan pakaianku ketika aku mahu ke tempat kerja… Kini,aku baru ingin bertanya kenapa isteri aku dah tak KISAH kat aku? 😦 P/s : Tidak ada manusia yang sempurna baik suami ataupun isteri… Jangan mengharap dilayan seperti raja jika kita tidak pernah anggap isteri itu permaisuri hati kita… Jangan diharap bunga yang indah jika kita tidak pernah membajanya… Dan selalulah ingat,bila hati seorang wanita telah retak, dia boleh menjadi lebih keras daripada seorang lelaki.


* Cerita ni sekadar perkongsian utk kawan2. Dapat dari salah satu entry note di fb. Semoga ia menjadi peringatan untuk sang suami dan isteri.. 🙂


Suami? Jgn jupa tunaikan tanggungjawab sebagai suami. Kalau tak, jawablah nanti kat padang mahsyar!

Isteri? Semoga kalian jadi isteri yang taat. Ingat! Wanita senang je nak masuk syurga.. Solat, Puasa, jaga faraj dan Taat Suami.


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logic ofl ove Adakah anda benar-benar … Maksud saya, benar-benar cuba untuk menjawab soalan: apakah cinta? Pada titik tertentu dalam kehidupan anda, adakah anda terfikir sama ada kasih sayang sebenar, mitos, atau hanya perkataan lain? Love dimanifestasikan dalam watak-watak mitos, novel dan drama terkenal yang mengabadikan cinta dan pencinta … cinta telah disifatkan sebagai ketara dan tidak ketara; sebagai fenomena sinergi antara dua jiwa terjalin. Dengan menggunakan model saintifik, yang lain telah cuba untuk meneroka lagi dengan objektiviti dalam minda dan alat rasional di tangan. Crenshaw “Alchemy of Love dan Nafsu” menyiasat misteri cinta dan seks melalui pemahaman asas sup kimia: unsur-unsur asas yang memandu tingkah laku seksual dan emosi manusia. Bagaimana pula dengan hujah yang bersifat vs memupuk? Bagaimana bahan kimia, per se, berkhidmat sebagai asas asas untuk mencirikan cinta? Ahli-ahli teori evolusi berhujah bahawa itu motivasi untuk memilih satu pasangan seksual tertentu berpunca daripada kecenderungan yang spesis manusia untuk berkembang melalui pilihan semula jadi; tarikan ke arah lain berpunca daripada pengaruh yang asas kimia sup, dalam usaha untuk itu pasangan mengawan yang paling layak untuk mengeluarkan satu potensi yang lebih baik anak-anak. Naluri Kemandirian terus digalakkan keperluan untuk komune dan tinggal bersama-sama untuk makan dan memupuk anak-anak muda. Ia tidak masuk akal walaupun pada hari kayu dan batu. Memandangkan hari ini sangat kompleks struktur ekonomi, sosial dan geo-politik, prinsip-prinsip evolusi dan survival, sebagaimana ia terpakai kepada seks dan cinta, muncul menjadi usang. Mengapa? Kemajuan pesat dalam bidang sains dan teknologi satu hari nanti boleh memberi manusia dengan keupayaan untuk memanipulasi sifat-sifat genetik untuk specie manusia yang lebih baik. Dalam strata ekonomi yang tertentu, kuasa beli yang sama kedua-dua lelaki dan perempuan negates keperluan untuk membahagikan tugas-tugas untuk memupuk, atau melindungi dan memberi makan anak-anak muda. Ibu tunggal yang dibayar profesional hanya boleh mengambil seorang pengasuh untuk memupuk anaknya, membeli makanan di kedai yang mudah, dan menyediakan habitat yang selamat untuk sarang dia anak-anak dan dirinya. Masyarakat manusia telah berkembang menjadi kompleks sosio, sistem ekonomi dan budaya yang saling bergantungan, menukar premis asas dan andaian yang perlu untuk menentukan pencetus seks dan kasih sayang. Bagaimana saya boleh menduga intipati seks dan cinta? Mungkin ia boleh difahami dari sudut saintifik, dari perspektif sistem, atau dari memerhatikan tingkah laku yang muncul dalam sistem. Saya telah dilalui melalui kitaran jatuh, bosan, jatuh, cinta. Saya telah ciuman pertama saya, saya patah, saya telah melibatkan diri, saya berpecah, saya melakukan liaisons remeh, saya berpecah, saya berkahwin, ketika masih berkahwin saya mempunyai pencinta beberapa, saya berpecah, saya mendapat bosan, saya mendapat bercerai. Dalam setiap percintaan yang saya alami, ia seolah-olah bahawa sifat, perasaan, konsep, bahan kimia cinta tidak bahan atau bentuk yang sama. Cinta tidak mempunyai wajah, atau sentuh, ia tidak mempunyai bentuk atau bentuk yang konsisten. Untuk setiap pengalaman, perasaan dan intensiti yang berbeza. Saya cuba untuk mengetahui dengan tepat apa yang telah ditemui setakat ini pada fenomena ini. Cerita-cerita, andaian atau kesimpulan tidak mencukupi untuk menyediakan teori yang tidak mudah pecah kasih. Carian saya melalui buku-buku dan pengalaman empirik menyebabkan saya membuat kesimpulan bahawa cinta tidak wujud. Ia tidak mempunyai bentuk, konsisten atau bentuk. Ia menentang rasional dan oleh yang demikian, logik cinta adalah tidak wujud. Cinta di sendiri tidak wujud kerana ia tidak mempunyai sifat universal yang konsisten. Bagaimana kita tahu yang kita cinta? Kita tidak boleh dengan kepastian. Ia adalah utopia emosi manusia. Adakah kami berani menipu antara satu sama lain sepanjang masa ini, untuk berfikir bahawa pada satu masa kelak, kita berada dalam cinta, pada satu masa kelak, ia tidak mustahil untuk jatuh cinta?.

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Photoshop Tutorials

Create an Electrifying Music Poster with Geometrical Elements in Photoshop CS5 Extended

Create an Electrifying Music Poster with Geometrical Elements in Photoshop CS5 Extended

Learn how to create abstract 3D shapes, stunning star flares, and more! This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to create a high-res poster in detailed steps from start to finish. You’ll need Photoshop CS5 Extended to follow this tutorial.

Interview with Ukraine Designer Vyacheslav Beda

Interview with Ukraine Designer Vyacheslav Beda

Vyacheslav Beda is a talented designer from Odessa, Ukraine. He worked as Art Director for Andrew Eksarew Studio and as Senior Designer for Citrus Discount. His design philosophy revolves around the logic in beauty and this can be seen in the overall aesthetic of his work. Let’s get to know him more through this interview.

How to Create an Out of This World, Medieval-Fantasy Themed Photo Manipulation

How to Create an Out of This World, Medieval-Fantasy Themed Photo Manipulation

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to create an out of this world, medieval-fantasy themed photo-manipulation. Using a few images, and brushes, we’re going to make a seamless image of a stormy night filled with dragons bathing a medieval ship in flames. We’re going to learn how to create a storm, how to create realistic looking fire, how to create realistic waves from a ship and how to give it a fantastic color using Photoshop adjustment layers.

Photoshop Video Tutorial: How to Create a Dazzling Dance Photo Manipulation

Photoshop Video Tutorial: How to Create a Dazzling Dance Photo Manipulation

Learn how to turn a regular dance photo into a dazzling dance photo manipulation. This Photoshop video tutorial will show you how to create this dance photo manipulation by blending photos together and creating special effects all in less than 10 layers. To follow this tutorial, you’ll need Photoshop CS3 or newer.


Paint “Aldwin Boy the Climber” in Photoshop

Learn step by step how this painting was created. I suggest that after following this tutorial, you find out what works best for you. In this tutorial I will be using Adobe Photoshop and Wacom Tablet to create the finished result. I will also be using techniques and methods that I feel most comfortable with when coloring.

Painting “Girl With the Rainbow” in Photoshop

Painting “Girl With the Rainbow” in Photoshop

Learn how to create a detailed 2D painting in Photoshop using a Wacom tablet. This tutorial will show you some techniques and methods that the author uses for coloring.

Photoshop Video Tutorial: How to Make Your Photos Look Hipster

Photoshop Video Tutorial: How to Make Your Photos Look Hipster

By Photoshop Tutorials Editors Sep 05, 2011

Turn your mainstream photos into retro coolness. This Photoshop video tutorial will show you how to apply a retro photo effect using professional non-destructive editing techniques. To follow this tutorial, you’ll need Photoshop CS3 or newer.

Interview With Digital and Performing Artist Diamante Murru

Interview With Digital and Performing Artist Diamante Murru

Diamante Murru is a digital and performing artist and a great photo manipulator. You will surely be mesmerized by the cyborg women in her digital art/paintings, which she is known for. Her work and the vision behind it would definitely draw you into looking for more of Diamante’s work. This interview would give us a better insight into this artist’s work process, inspiration and background info.

How to Create a Sony Xperia Ad in Photoshop

How to Create a Sony Xperia Ad in Photoshop

Create a professional Sony Xperia Ad using the tools in Photoshop. This tutorial will show you how to create a Sony Xperia phone from scratch then use it to create an advertisement.

How to Paint an Artwork of a Fox Inside Photoshop

How to Paint an Artwork of a Fox Inside Photoshop

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create this painting of a fox. This tutorial will show you techniques for coloring, shading, and outlining.

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q u e s t i o n o f l o v e

Where does the predisposition towards intimacy after sex, really come from? What is the nature of love? Does it exist at all? Is it just a term created for the sake of identifying a series of sensations resulting from the fusion of chemical elements flowing through the brain’s synaptic receptors during one moment of passion? Why are we only attracted to certain types of people? Why are there sexual hangovers, as opposed to having sex, getting it done with a handshake and a smile … next?

The key to understanding the mystery of man’s essence lies in the question of why we exist. Why do we love during our existence? Why do we cease to exist? The question of existence and death, I would defer to the metaphysicians. I challenge you with the question of love.

l o g i c o f l o v e

Have you ever really … I mean really, tried to answer the question: what is love? At some point in your life, did you ever wonder whether love is real, a myth, or just another word? Love is manifested in mythological characters, in famous novels and plays that immortalize love and lovers … love has been characterized as both tangible and intangible; as a synergistic phenomenon between two entwined souls.

Using the scientific model, others have tried to explore this further with objectivity in mind and rational tools at hand. Crenshaw’s “The Alchemy of Love and Lust” investigates the mystery of love and sex through an understanding of the chemical soup base: the basic elements that drive human sexual and emotional behavior. What about the argument of nature vs. nurture? How can chemicals, per se, serve as the fundamental basis for characterizing love?

Evolutionary theorists argue that the motivation for selecting a particular sexual partner stems from the tendency of the human species to evolve through natural selection; attraction towards another stems from the chemical soup base’s influence in the quest for the most eligible mating partner for producing a potentially better offspring.

Survival instincts may have further encouraged the need to commune and stay together in order to feed and nurture the young offspring. It made sense though during the days of sticks and stones.

Given today’s highly complex economic, social and geo-political structure, the evolutionary and survival principles, as they apply to sex and love, appear to be obsolete. Why? The rapid advancement in science and technology may one day provide man with the ability to manipulate genetic attributes for a better human specie. In certain economic strata, the equal purchasing power of both male and female negates the need for dividing the tasks of nurturing, or protecting and feeding the young. A well-paid professional single mother can simply hire a nanny to nurture her child, purchase food in a convenient store, and provide a secure habitat to nest her offspring and herself. Human society has evolved into a complex socio, economic and cultural interdependent system, changing the basic premises and assumptions necessary to define the triggers of sex and love.

How can I fathom the essence of sex and love? Perhaps it can be understood from a scientific viewpoint, from a systems perspective, or from observing emergent behavior within a system. I have traversed through the cycle of falling in, getting bored, falling out, of love. I had my first kiss, I broke up, I was engaged, I broke up, I indulged in frivolous liaisons, I broke up, I got married, while married I had a few lovers, I broke up, I got bored, I got divorced.

In every love affair I experienced, it seemed that the nature, the feeling, the concept, the chemicals of love were not of the same material or form. Love did not have a face, or a touch; it did not have a shape or consistent form. For each experience, the feeling and intensity were different. I sought to find out exactly what has been discovered to-date on this phenomenon. The stories, conjectures or conclusions did not suffice to provide an unbreakable theory of love.

My search through books and empirical experience led me to conclude that love does not exist. It has no form, consistency or shape. It defies rationality and therefore, the logic of love is nonexistent. Love in itself does not exist because it does not have a consistent universal attribute. How can we tell we are in love? We can’t with certitude. It is the utopia of human emotions. Have we dared fool each other all this time, to think that at some point in time we were in love, at some point in time, it is possible to fall in love?b e w a r e o f l o v e

In Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs and Steel he explores animal domestication as a factor that relates to the emergence of human societies and their political structures. He states, “Domesticable animals are all alike; every undomesticable animal is undomesticable in its own way.” Further he notes that a parallelism exists with Tolstoy’s first sentence in his novel, Anna Karenina, “Happy families are alike; every family is unhappy in its own way.” In essence, animal domestication and happy marriages succeed, if and only if, all necessary factors exist. Exclusion of one criterion condemns the domestication and nuptial efforts to its eventual demise. This mutually exclusive principle of animal domestication and Anna Karenina reminded me of a high school theology class on marriage where my instructor jotted down a list of over ten “compatibility” criteria required to ensure a successful union: mental, intellectual, spiritual, financial, social (class status), economic, and the list goes on. I cynically rolled my eyes and thought, what an impossible search of a lifetime for a so-called partner in life. Does love really require the logical AND operator in between each criterion to guarantee success? How many months and years of trial and error, debugging the code of love, before the all-inclusive one is found? No wonder marriages fail, love falters and people waste their lives in a relentless search for an ideal that is impossible to attain.

On realizing that the quixotic quest was discordant to my pragmatic character, I decided a year ago that sex, love and relationships were detrimental to my goal of achieving a rich and full existential life. There are a lot of mysteries to be unraveled — history, philosophy, physical sciences, political sciences, archaeology, sociology, mathematics, art, literature … — oh, so much knowledge I wish to gain! It is not worth paying the price of knowledge deprivation for a lifetime of boredom and routine, or many a single night of orgasmic pleasure. Suffice it to say that the young should experience the joy and frustrations, the magic and disenchantment, the sublime and divine qualities produced during moments of passion with a mate. However, some of us reach a point in the mating game, when you just wake up one day, gaze at yourself in the mirror, and ask, “What is the point of it all?” Whether it is a boring marriage or a string of one night stands, the mystery of the beloved gradually deteriorates into the humdrum of stagnant relationships, betrayal, deceit, and the ultimate realization that underneath the mask of novelty, you have just unraveled another human body with all its frailty, weaknesses and hang-ups. The qualities in the beloved that have sent tingles up your spine become the same qualities that give you goose bumps — out of sheer disgust. The nihilism of love looms into your relationship’s core and destroys the hope of finding everlasting solace in the beloved’s arms.l o v e i s b l i n d

Around the final years of my marriage, I had intense and passionate affairs with a geeky Roman scientist, and a young British programmer — definitely not of the Ashton Kutscher genre. Perhaps due to the lack of intellectual growth and stimulation in my marriage, it was a period in my life where discussions of Minksy’s mind-hive theory or, analyzing the structures of the Baroque architecture as it applies to the history of ancient Rome and the church, had an aphrodisiac effect on me. In both love affairs, I was a sexual goddess devouring the poor geek gods in a fantasy world they have not dared to imagine. It must have been during the affair with the Roman doctor that I almost believed I had finally encountered my soul mate.

Our minds had merged into a rhythmic tango where mental and sexual intercourse were indistinguishable. I still remember the first kiss … our first kiss. We were strolling through the Tevere one evening, in silence and awe, absorbing the beauty of the Castel Sant’Angelo. Il Dottore gently whispered the story of Tosca, of the great love of two lovers that preferred death to a lifetime of being apart. Amidst the mystery of the eternal city, he gently grabbed my hand and with the other circled my waist and softly kissed me. I submitted without hesitation, I felt various forms of electromagnetic particles dancing inside me. The waves of electricity elicited sexual desires, I felt moist, vulnerable and ready to take him.

I am not sure what caused these illusions of love to fade like a passing cloud. Was it the wrong timing, the distance apart? Was the intellectual attraction not sufficient to sustain a potential relationship that could have flourished? I met him a few years after that evening in September. We were sitting in a cafe by a modern art museum near the Valle Giulia area. I still remember just feeling repulsed by the sight of him. I wanted to run back to the historic center and enjoy the splendor of the city in solitude, in fact, that was just what I did.

At that time, I was perplexed as to how and why my feelings for Il Dottore had changed. However, in hindsight I am stupefied by the fact that I fell for him at the onset. The stirring sensations I once felt mutated into concrete realizations that 1) he was physically very unattractive, or should I rather say, he has a face that only a mother could love; 2) his knowledge of Roman architecture was obvious, he lived in Rome for all his life; I bet even vendors of Porta Portese appreciate a Caravaggio; and 3) he took advantage of my vulnerability: alone in Europe during the September 11 incident, I would have fucked and fallen in love with Godzilla. What was I thinking of? Oh, love must indeed be blind!s a b b a t i c a l f r o m l o v e

Where does the incessant penchant towards coupling come from, the desire for a one-is-to-one form of relationship as opposed to a one-is-to-many?

Wait. Let’s take a look at how computers interact with each other. In order for machines to talk to each other they need a common protocol or language, just as we have distinct languages used by people from different countries. Every machine needs a unique form of identification in order to send data to, or receive it from others. How do you know if your data is sent to the correct destination? Each machine is permanently assigned a unique ID called the IP (Internet Protocol) address. IP address to machine assignment is like a marriage between two lovers. The marriage certificate resides in a DNS server (Domain Name System sort of like the Marriage department in your City Hall that stores all marriage certificates, the one-is-to-one assignment). The proliferation of machines within organization, compounded by the internet revolution, meant that the world could potentially run out of permanent IP addresses for future machines intended for this global network community. To address this dilemma, the idea of pooling IP addresses into a pot emerged. As machines come online they will ask for an address, get a lease for a predefined period of time, and possibly renew it later on. This protocol is called, DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).

So how does this work? In an oversimplified way, when you turn on your machine for the first time, it has no identification, meaning IP address. There is a program that immediately looks for the “container” with the pool of IP addresses and asks for a temporary IP address; the “container” returns a leased IP address along with the expiry date past which, the machine contacts the “container” again for a renewal. Why can’t we establish a similar mechanism where dating, love and sex are concerned? With concise protocols, you and I can agree to have amorous and passionate sex for a given period of time, upon expiration, we have the option of renewing the lease; during the lease period, we have the option to terminate the association, at will. Sounds so perfect, in theory, I would say. Unfortunately, there are other factors that derail this complex machine of the human brain and heart. So much for that fantasy.

Single life, free from the highs and lows of being in a relationship, is an exhilarating experience. On lazy, misty afternoons, I hang out at the Cafe Greco in North Beach with a cup of café latte while reading a book on the life of Che Guevarra. Other days, I carelessly stroll through the Civic Center farmer’s market to watch the vendors sell their fresh produce and search for the best priced eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes and flowers. The sense of freedom and aimless afternoons to one’s self is priceless, however, there are evenings when a sudden surge of nostalgia overwhelms me; I succumb to the void and loneliness, bury my head against the pillow and wallow into the depths of restful sleep. The next day, the rays of morning sun permeate the skylights and I gently rub my eyes, stretch and wonder: is it a workday or do I have to go to the gym?


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We’re heading into Mallard nesting season and each year, we expect this question on the other end of our frequently ringing Wildlife Education & Rehabilitation phone line: “A duck started a nest in my yard and laid a couple of eggs, but she’s not sitting on the nest! What should I do?”

This common question can best be answered through an explanation of how Mallards nest. The female mallard (hen) will spend weeks scouting out an area to build her nest. Mallards will nest almost anywhere within reasonable distance of a water source and often in what seems to be inappropriate locations such as near a road, in a parking lot or a yard with big dogs. It’s helpful for us humans to remember that, most of the time, a duck knows how to choose a good nest area better then we do.

After choosing a location and constructing the nest, the female will lay one egg a day but then leave and join the male (drake) at a nearby water source. Once the whole clutch (usually 8-10 eggs) has been laid, she begins incubation for about 28 days. Not sitting on the eggs until the last egg is laid is what allows all the ducklings to hatch at the same time. Shortly after the female has begun incubation, the male will leave and provides no care for the eggs, hen, or ducklings.
Mallard ducklings are precocial which means that they are mobile and able to eat on their own almost immediately after they hatch. Within hours after hatch, the hen leads the ducklings to her chosen water source where they will remain. A duck nest is only for the eggs and not for the ducklings.

The trip to water can be quite dangerous. However, it’s important that we allow the ducklings to remain with the hen so she can teach them everything they need to know to survive in the wild. Most often, human attempts at helping them during this stage results in increased accidents and abandonment as mother and the ducklings react frantically to human intervention.

Often, we humans think the hen doesn’t know what she’s doing when she nests in our yards, parking lots and other “human” places. The fact is she knows exactly what she is doing. While not every nesting attempt by any bird can always be successful, the vast majority of these suburban duck nests produce healthy wild ducklings. Additionally, when a duck nest fails, the hen usually starts the process all over, replacing the lost eggs often in a new location.


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Member of the boa family, South America’s green anaconda is, pound for pound, the largest snake in the world. Its cousin, the reticulated python, can reach slightly greater lengths, but the enormous girth of the anaconda makes it almost twice as heavy.

Green anacondas can grow to more than 29 feet (8.8 meters), weigh more than 550 pounds (227 kilograms), and measure more than 12 inches (30 centimeters) in diameter. Females are significantly larger than males. Other anaconda species, all from South America and all smaller than the green anaconda, are the yellow, dark-spotted, and Bolivian varieties.

Anacondas live in swamps, marshes, and slow-moving streams, mainly in the tropical rain forests of the Amazon and Orinoco basins. They are cumbersome on land, but stealthy and sleek in the water. Their eyes and nasal openings are on top of their heads, allowing them to lay in wait for prey while remaining nearly completely submerged.

They reach their monumental size on a diet of wild pigs, deer, birds, turtles, capybara, caimans, and even jaguars. Anacondas are nonvenomous constrictors, coiling their muscular bodies around captured prey and squeezing until the animal asphyxiates. Jaws attached by stretchy ligaments allow them to swallow their prey whole, no matter the size, and they can go weeks or months without food after a big meal.

Female anacondas retain their eggs and give birth to two to three dozen live young. Baby snakes are about 2 feet (0.6 meters) long when they are born and are almost immediately able to swim and hunt. Their lifespan in the wild is about ten years.


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NEW WINDOW 8 TRANSFORMATION PACK FOR WINDOW 7 AND VISTA INTERFACE Today I stumbled upon the latest Windows 8 transformation pack. It looks very similar to Windows vista and Windows 7 but there are many GUI changes like redesigned taskbar, Explorer, new bootscreen and login screen etc.I have already shared some transformation packs like :


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Located on the island of Luzon, the Halsema Highway runs through the Central Cordillera Valley in the Philippines from Baguio to Bontoc and farther on toward Tabuk and Tuguegarao. Landslides and rock falls are common, often stranding motorists for long periods of time. Many portions of the road are still unpaved, although work is supposedly in progress to bring about some improvements, and there are plenty of drop-offs that are steep enough to kill you.

Foggy conditions paired with the lack of much-needed guardrails in certain areas only complicate the Halsema Highway’s already dangerous conditions. Local accounts also indicate that buses traversing this route are less than considerate when it comes to road rules, so watch your step. Photo:

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